IF Henry Review

30 Jun

Here He Is!

I purchased my IF Thierry Henry for 90k at CF in a 4231 formation. Having played around 25 games with him and have found him spectacular!

Pace: Although being 35 Henry still has 78 pace which isn’t slow but he doesn’t feel 78 pace. I often found myself getting outrun by a centre back such as Kompany and even Vidic on the odd occasion. 7/10

Shooting: His card says 80 shooting this is a lie, his shooting is monstrous it feels on par with Podolski’s left foot. Lethal. As well as that his finishing is class, never missed a one on one! 10/10

Passing: With only 71 passing you can’t expect him to pull out 40 yard passes because he won’t do it. Let him do simple passes for quick one two’s. 7/10

Dribbling: WOW! His feet are magic, incredibly quick to get past your opponents last defender and when he does get past the last defender his acceleration is incredible. 9/10

Defending: Don’t bother. Low defensive work rate.

Heading: Henry only has 64 heading on his card. Another Lie! Out jumped Kompany, Luiz and Ogbonna numerous times. 10/10

Overall: 8/10, if your going to buy him, play him at CF or CAM but not as a striker too lazy and slow.

2 Responses to “IF Henry Review”


  1. IF Menez Review! | The Fifa Fix - July 3, 2013

    […] IF Henry Review (thefifafix.wordpress.com) […]

  2. IF Palacio Review! | The Fifa Fix - July 5, 2013

    […] IF Henry Review (thefifafix.wordpress.com) […]

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